
Sonntag, 19. Mai 2024

Far Away or 9051 - Ode aan de Linge Land Art Festival

"Far Away or 9051"

The Land Art installation reflects the theme “VERTEPAIN” (want to leave, desiring something in the distance) of the Land Art Festival. 

The desire for  far away horizons has always a base. You are in a place far away and yet everything is somehow connected to the place you left. But even when we leave, we always take things, feelings or memories with us from the place or a situation we left. But the desire to leave and change may not mean setting off for distant horizons, but can also mean wanting to leave ties, connections and boundaries behind. The work also refers to the disruptions that come with the changes. However, the works also reflect some autobiographical elements. I never feel at home anywhere, when I arrive in a place or a new situation after a while, I want to leave again.

Land Art Manifestation

Ode aan de Linge (Ode to the Linge) 


19.05. - 20.05.2024, 13-19 h.

Location: Heemtuin, entrance next to the Achter 't Veer 7 marina, Geldermalsen, Netherlands

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