EROS 24/7
14th of October and 22nd of October 2021
Curator / Artistic Director Elias Kirsche (Basel, CH)
Between 14th of October and 22nd of October 2021 I participate at the Project Residence EROS 24/7 near the French/Swiss border by Basel, CH, in the village of Illtal, France
The aim of this project residency was that an interdisciplinary and mixed group of artists and non- artist should exploring for 8 days how erotic phenomena such as desire, seduction, lust, devotion, jealousy, play, death affect the inspiration and production of Art. Artistic means were one's own erogenous body, the written and spoken word, voice, movement, musical and visual techniques. What does erotic mean to us in its cultural-historical dimension? What role does the Eros play in the art, who, if one follows Plato and Socrates, mediates between the human and the divine world (cf. “Symposium”)? Using erotic art from different epochs and cultures, contemporary interpretations and implementations are to be proposed.
I created two personal projects in collaboration with Thomas Zollinger, Philemo Murkano, Elisabeth Schär, Tobias Gürtler and Mark Lüthi. As well I participated in several projects developed by the other participating artists.
Project No. 1 with Thomas Zollinger, Philemo Murkano, Elisabeth Schär,
Project No. 2 with Philemo Murkano, Tobias Gürtler and Mark Lüthi (camera)