
Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

Art for Education

Art auction for Syrian refugees children

Artists donate work for support school education for Syrian refugee children in Turkey.
I donated one of my photo works.

The auction is a project by Jusur-Brücken . eV. and Königin-Luise-Stiftung.
more about the project under

29 of November 2014 : 
16 - 19 h. : First preview at Königin-Luise-Stiftung
30 of November 2014: 
15.00 h.: Public reception and preview
16.30 h.: Start of the auction

Podbielskialle 78
14195 Berlin

Bus101, M83 , U Bahn (Metro) Podbielskiallee

The photowork oeuvre 16005 I donate for the auction

Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Ex Libris - Ex Erotic

9th International Ex Libris Competition - Ruse - 2013

Ex Libris = Bookmark. Marks the owner of a book

For ninth time the Regional Library L.Karavelov in Ruse, Bulgaria arranged a Ex Libris competition. This years theme was Ex Erotic. Ex Libris who focus on erotic motives. One of the hightlights was the Ex Libris Festival with the topic of erotic art in conjunticion with  Ex Libris. The library also publish a full colored catalogue of selected work from the competition.

Long time ago I created quiet a lot of Ex libris, but now I do Ex Libris only from time to time, using mostly digital graphic techniques. 
My work with the title Apple and decated to Sung Hsiu Chi was selected for the catalogue.

Samstag, 2. November 2013


Mail Art Project 17.11.2013- 12.01.2014 - Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, Canada


My work