
Freitag, 17. März 2023

The State of The World

My work 7372 from the Red Zen portfolio is presented in the exhibition

The State of The World

"Galerie im Kornhaus"

(Art Association) Kunstverein Gemünd

04.02. to 19.03.2023

Tue. to Fri. 14-17 h, Sat. 10-14 h, Sun. & public holidays 11-17 h. 

Kornhausstrasse 14 , Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

"The State of The World " always means a summarizing view, the definition of an interim balance, which presupposes an occupation, an analysis, one's own positioning. For the first exhibition of the season, the Kunstverein was calling for analogue (non-digital) print work, such as, woodcuts, linocuts, silkscreen Between horror and hope, hesitation and fearlessness, political view and individual life perspective, scientifically based or subjectively meandering - we want to unfold a panopticon from very different perspectives.

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